Membership Pricing Options

One Week Trial / $25

Not sure which membership is for you? Give us a try for one week. Available to new members only.

Unlimited / $150 mo.

Monthly unlimited membership. Designed for members looking to come 3+ times a week. Auto-renewal.

Monthly 10X / $120 mo.

10 times a month membership. Designed for members looking to come 2 times a week. Auto-renewal.

Monthly 5X / $70 mo.

5 times a month membership. Designed for members looking to come 1 time a week. Auto-renewal.

5 Class Pack / $90

Buy a 5 class pack that can be used to book any class. Class packs do not expire!

One-time use Drop-in

A drop-in class can be used to book any class. Drop-in purchase does not expire!

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